from the Korean Army to being published

the blog of an "ex-patriot" writer in Korea

Posts Tagged ‘buddha

Random #4: Big in Japan

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Although I’m sure no one has noticed, I’ve been trying to add a new post to this blog twice a week—usually on Sunday and Wednesday nights—but I admit it has been difficult, not only because of my aversion to blogging (writing, not reading) but because there are long periods where nothing new happens with relation to my writing and I promise you that I will not post about the mundane happenings of my daily life (where I’m going, what I’m eating, the size of my bowel movements*, etc.). The fact of the matter is that I write almost daily, but writing in itself is a very boring activity.

That being said, I will post about where I’m going today. After work, I’m heading to Incheon to catch a flight to Fukuoka, Japan. A close friend is getting married in Miyazaki on Saturday and, luckily, tomorrow I have off due to Buddha’s Birthday (damn, my introduction is still incomplete). The drawback is that I haven’t been writing much because I’ve been working on a sculpture/wedding present for my friend and thus did not post yesterday, and the chances of another post on Sunday seems slim, especially when considering the bachelor’s party I am to attend on the night I return from Japan. Nevertheless, when I return, I will have nothing to prevent me from writing other than my laziness, so I will try to post between the time I return and the evening. So until then, be good.

* There are several pages of the book already devoted to this. Yet another incentive to buy the book.

Written by Young

May 20, 2010 at 12:15 pm

Posted in Random

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