from the Korean Army to being published

the blog of an "ex-patriot" writer in Korea

Posts Tagged ‘premature

Rejection #1

with 2 comments

I woke up this afternoon—I need to stop drinking—to my first rejection e-mail.

Hi, Holden, 

Thank you for your query. While your project certainly has merit, I’m just not wild enough about what I’ve read to ask for more. As I’m sure you know, it’s important that your agent be totally excited by/committed to/passionate about your project, and I’m afraid that just didn’t happen here. But opinions vary considerably in this business, and mine is just one. I’m sure you’ll find others who feel differently. I hope so!

I wish you the very best in your search for representation.

Warm regards,

[Agent’s name]

[Agency’s name] Literary Agency

It’s not hard to figure out who it was since I’ve only sent a query to one agent. It’s not surprising because I sent it prematurely—is it a big problem among aspiring writers?—and as befits the metaphor, both she and I left the experience disappointed.

Oh well. Hopefully I’ll have more luck tomorrow. Today I need a drink.

Written by Young

April 10, 2010 at 5:22 pm